
Many kinds of meetings

Strength from unity

You are warmly welcome to our meetings and small groups. We desire to strengthen your unity with God and others. Follow the monthly programme and join us.


Sunday Service

Transation in English and Russian languages are simultaneously provided with head-phones in our Sunday Morning Services at 11 a.m. 

Мы предоставляем перевод воскресеного служения на английский и русский языки.

International Evening

We gather together once every month for International Evening. Come and meet new friends, talk and have tea together. More information: Woodly Dormeus, 040 759 9095.

библейские вcтречи

Приглашаем посетить Христианский клуб в кафе ’RUKE’. По субботам, два раза в месяц, в 12:00. Подробности на Facebook-страницe

контакт: Иван Суворов, телефон 046 556 9001

Мы предоставляем перевод воскресеного служения на русский язык. 

Ibada/ Swahilinkielinen / ranskankielinen tilaisuus

Swahilin ja ranskankielinen tilaisuus lauantaisin klo 15.

Kila Jumamosi (saa 15) ibada kwa Kiswahili na kwa Kifaransa.

Réunion en swahili et en français. Chaque samedi à 15h.

Yhteyshenkilö: Juha Tikkanen 040 049 3355


Youth Meetings

Ruke Night

Evening for students and young adults on Tuesday at 6.00 p.m.

Cafe Ruke

Evening for teenagers (12-17 years) on Friday 6.00- 8.30 p.m.

Contact: Noora, 050 917 1727

A home for all –​

For God’s glory and man’s best

What is a good home like?

A good home is one where parents provide love and limits. It is safe to be in, the atmosphere is merciful and even visitors feel at ease. Our spiritual home desires to be this, too. We have a loving Heavenly Father and through faith in Jesus Christ we are His children. It is safe to be close to Him, in a merciful atmosphere and even visitors can sense this.

What is life for the glory of God?

God created man in His own image. Genesis 1 and 2.
God meant man to reflect His glory. Man lives for God’s glory when He does God’s will out of love for Him. We believe God’s will is revealed in the Bible.
Our dream is that Jesus’ glory and fame would spread everywhere through our church.

“In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.” Ephesians 1: 5, 12 NIV

How do I know what is best for man?

We truly believe that it is best for man to live in relationship with the Heavenly Father.
We believe that when man lives according to God’s will, it ultimately work’s for man’s best. God also gives His children power to fulfill His will. Romans 8; Galatians 5: 16–25; NIV

This is why our vision for the church is:

A home for all – For God’s glory and man’s best

Our vision is to be a home for all where we live for God’s glory. When we live for God’s glory, it works for man’s best.

“Now may the God of peace…equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” Hebrews 13: 20–21, NIV


The values of our church

The foundation of the faith of our church and its doctrine is the Bible. The Bible is God’s special revelation to mankind. God reveals Himself as the triune, holy, good God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ is the centre of Biblical revelation. In His Son Jesus Christ, God atones for fallen mankind and by believing in Him we receive forgiveness of sins and a connection with our Creator.

In the Bible God reveals what is right and what is wrong and how God wants people created in His image to live: life to the glory of God. This is why the ethics and morals of our church rise from a Biblical understanding of morals.

The Apostolic confession of faith and the main points of the Pentecostal church define our beliefs and our doctrine.

See also:

For God’s glory – and man’s best

God’s glory is a significant theme in the Bible and revelation to mankind. Everything that God does in the world – works of salvation or judgments – will ultimately work to the praise of His glory… Read more in Blog here

The Pentecostal church in numbers

The Pentecostal church of Mikkeli has approximately 400 members and it was founded in 1933. There are 271 Pentecostal churches in Finland and they have approximately 44 000 members altogether (2023). Pentecostal churches form the largest free church community in Finland.
The magazine Christianity Today reported that approximately 25 percent of the world’s Christians are Pentecostal or Charismatic. How many members belong to the Pentecostal movement worldwide? The estimates vary from 22 million to even 400–600 million. (